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Corentin Boissier Composer

Corentin Boissier's

Musicological Activities


Academic Works

Corentin Boissier hosts on YouTube five cultural classical musical channels.

More than 2,700 little-known post-romantic classical orchestral works of the XXth and XXIst centuries.

You can click on each link below:


(529 videos)


(570 videos)


(511 videos)


(552 videos)



(a new video each two days)

More than 2,500 videos 2.jpg

Some random covers of videos from the collectionCB channels

2167 GHEDINI Giorgio Partita for orchest
946 Matilde SALVADOR El Ruisenor i la Ro
1176 Hans GRIMM The Way of Love and Deat
1835 Gardner READ Prelude and
2135 SMYTH Ethel The Wreckers, Overture.
2402 SUCHON Eugen Mountain Suite.jpg
1724 Koichi KISHI Violin Concerto.jpg
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Anchor 2

Ideal "Discotheque"

of more than

1, 700 orchestral works of feelings

(May 2009; frequently updated)

An anthology of "classical" works which are characterized by their artistic qualities: expression of feelings, coherence, concision, density. This "discotheque" is intended for everybody, from beginner to music lover.

Partition oiseaux.jpg
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Anchor 3

Gallery of my 76 Favorite

Romantic and Post-Romantic



with, for each of them, the titles of my favorite orchestral works


2015 – rev. 2021

Click here!

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Anchor 4

Corentin Boissier

The Mini Piano Concerto


thesis (2018)


In the United States in the 1920s, George Gershwin and Hollywoodian cinema gave the start of the mini piano concerto written in symphonic jazz style. In 1941, the Rachmaninovian Warsaw Concerto (9') by British Richard Addinsell triggered a vogue which lasted around thirty years, and touched composers from diverse backgrounds and nationalities, from George Antheil to Dmitri Shostakovich, from Arthur Bliss to Miklos Rozsa, from Duke Ellington to Henri Sauguet, from Norman Dello Joio to Malcolm Williamson… For this thesis, we have established the first (chronological and alphabetical) repertories of mini piano concertos: more than 300 works.

Frequently updated.

189 p.

Aux États-Unis, George Gershwin et le cinéma hollywoodien donnèrent dans les années 20 le départ du mini piano concerto de style jazz symphonique. En 1941, le rachmaninovien Warsaw Concerto (9’) du britannique Richard Addinsell lança une vogue qui dura une trentaine d’années et inspira des compositeurs de tous horizons et de toutes nationalités, de George Antheil à Dmitri Shostakovich, d’Arthur Bliss à Miklos Rozsa, de Duke Ellington à Henri Sauguet, de Norman Dello Joio à Malcolm Williamson… Nous avons établi dans ce mémoire les premiers répertoires (chronologique et alphabétique) des mini piano concertos : plus de 300 œuvres.

Fréquemment mise à jour.

195 p.

00  THESIS Cover HEAVY.jpg
00 Couverture  LOURDE.jpg
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Anchor 5

My name is Corentin Boissier, French neoromantic classical composer. I’m the one who discovered the Internet fake "Pandora Selfridge concert pianist" that deceived thousands of music lovers, journalists and young composers. As I was going to be involved in this fake ("Pandora Selfridge", with whom I was in correspondence for two years, was going to perform one of my compositions for piano), on November 27, 2014 I asked "Pandora Selfridge" to end this fraud. The creator immediately destroyed his creation...
Here’s all I know about this strange and elaborate hoax.

Click on the cover below:

The Internet Fake _Pandora Selfridge_ CO
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